
I'm user Swede at this Unix (BSD) community that has roots back into the 1980' and 
I have been a member here for almost 20 years. 
I live in Sweden and have work and interests in security, privacy, forensics and 
geo politics to name a few.

To contact me using email here send to user swede [at] freeshell.org

If I'm logged on it's also possible to contact me using utilitites such as talk.

If you want other contact info, these are possibly available, by request and case by case:

. phone
. other emails, including more secure such as protonmail
. PGP keys available
. WhatsApp (increasingly unwanted due to Facebook changing policies negatively)
. Signal
. Threema
. Keybase
. Telegram
. Jabber (I also operate my own Jabber server)
. I operate my own Jitsi video conferencing server
